dataloggers, thermometers, hygrometers..
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Measurement of runoff wastewater treatment plant


Sewerage networks and wastewater treatment plants play an important role in the protection of watercourses and the final quality of water discharged is very carefully monitored. Requirements on the quality of the discharged water is based on Government Regulation which establishes maximum permissible levels of pollution for the individual parameters in treated wastewater, the minimum frequency control samples and ranges checks.

We are using dataloggers to specific objects in the effluent of the WWTP. For historical reasons, some specific objects do not meet the conditions and archiving measurement values over a period of 2 months. Requirements based on standards TNV 25 9305 and Government Regulation 143/2012 Coll. (Journal of the Ministry of Environment in May 2013).

Therefore, we need:

  • Log average instantaneous values or fluid volume
  • Measurement interval of 5, 15, 30, 60 min. according to the size of the WWTP
  • In all cases, storing values for at least 2 months
  • Cyclic transcription of values
  • 2 binary inputs

Old measurements have a binary output corresponding to the constant flow volume. Usually you can set the second output measurement fault, or so that during power failure. Current reacted. On the S7021, there is one input as total volume for which we have set differential value and a second input configured to measurement failures. The whole history of logging and is independent of the power supply.

Lugar de realización:

VaK Karlovy Vary

Productos usados:



The Czech Republic

Año de realización: